Number 56
For some reason I thought I would search google for this number. I started off just wanting to post thank you for the birthday wishes and talk about the day. Read this link. Never knew there was such a thing.
“The numerology number 56 is an expressive family and relationships number. The primary focus of the energy the number 56 represents is relationships.”
Me and Robert before we ate the cake.
My 56th was spent at PhotoCon 2019 in Oklahoma City at the Aloft Hotel. I spent this birthday weekend with my photography family and not my immediate family for the fist time in a long time. I’ve built many relationships and friendships in my work. They continue to grow. I spent 30 years At AFS/Teleflora and gained many friendships. Most of those I rarely get to talk to or be around.
When you are the one and only that is trying to keep the business running and still try to maintain relationships, a lot of things suffer including those relationships not to mention your own family.
Year 56 came after 55 ended with a bang. It also reminded me that this old body is showing its age and reminds me that the aches and pains are headed my way and aren’t slowing down. I’ve been going full time in this business since January 2012. My heart and mind is still the 20-something kid for sure but the body is for sure showing its age inside and out. I did some physical therapy on my right “camera” arm. Tennis elbow and tendinitis. Gotta build some muscle around those tendons. I also was the recipient of a horseshoe tear in my retina in my dominant right eye. My viewfinder eye. This is frustrating for sure with all the millions of floaters hanging around.
I want to thank all those that wished me a happy birthday. I share a birthday with my best friend Robert Trawick (3 hours older than me) and also Alex Dugan is also a great friend and photographer. We celebrated during Bedford Camera’s PhotoCon. They brought us Cake and sang happy birthday. The whole trade show sang to us. It was great! Robert and I also co-host a photography podcast called FotoFacts Podcast. It’s been 7 years and 300+ episodes. Robert has been my mentor for around 8 years. The weekend ended with a cold evening shoot with other photographers shooting spinning fire on a string.
Thank you so much for the birthday hugs during PhotoCon. You know who you are.
It was great to be with that family but I also love being around immediate family for holidays and birthdays.
I’m off to see what year number 56 brings.